ramblings of a law student with a family history of neurosis

the ramblings of a law student with a family history of neurosis

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Things My Job Has Taught Me: Part I

I am working this summer and, in addition to useful, educational and  important things, I have learned quite a bit that I couldn't put on a resume, or talk about in an interview but that are significant none the less. So I will be sharing them as they come up from here on out.
The first one:
If you are a defense attorney defending meth users and dealers, don't look like you are a meth head. I understand that you are probably naturally gaunt, and we haven't had much sun so your pallor is excusable, and maybe you are colorblind so the fact that your jacket and slacks are wrinkled and miss-matched doesn't stand out to you.
But really the missing tooth is over the top.

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